Marketing and Marketing Technology Applications

In the last five years, our understanding of consumer behavior has changed at least as much as the behavior itself. An abundance of data fuels this new understanding but can also be distracting. In this context, the ability to simplify complex data, tell the right story, and maximize the impact of each marketing dollar are key.

Reflecting our firm's approach more generally, HORIZON helps marketing teams identify and tackle challenges by combining a laser-like focus on organizational objectives with strong scientific expertise and technical capabilities. While our technical capabilities allow us to draw upon a wide variety of methods (including some of the most cutting-edge AI algorithms), our training and deep experience in economic analysis and statistics differentiate us from other data science firms: we can not only tell what the data say, but also how robust and generalizable certain inferences are given the data and methods from which they arise. This allows us to help our clients avoid pitfalls and talk about their work and products in more powerful ways. We're also very sensitive to the contextual dependencies of inferences from marketing data analysis; at the end of the day, you know your product and circumstances best, and data are there to augment and help facilitate your decision-making process, not to automate it.

Through additional in-house capabilities and relationships with incredible creative content firms and change management specialists, we also help with the data visualizations, interactive tools, and implementation work that often goes hand-in-hand with enterprise-level data strategy and analytics, enabling us to provide our clients with fully customized, turn-key solutions. 

Below are some of the solution areas in which we can assist your marketing team. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs and how HORIZON may be able to help.


HORIZON solution areas


  • Levering clients' historical data to:

    • Create or refine existing models and help clients better understand patterns and drivers of customer retention, loyalty, customer care, attrition, and churn -- as well as crucial questions around how these patterns and drivers relate to organizational objectives, product value propositions, and clients' current strategies.
    • Maximize click-through and conversion rates (e.g., by using historical data to identify optimal web content design/ordering and page sequencing)
    • Characterize and optimize strategy for repeat customers (e.g., development of recommendation models powered by collaborative filtering/matrix factorization)
    • Cluster analyses to help clients better understand/validate their existing market segments and sub-populations as well as identify new ones
  • Using customer-level data to identifying prospects, score leads, and improve sales close rates
  • Forecasting demand, for use in price modeling, supply chain logistics/inventory management, and labor force planning
  • Generating marketable insights into customer behavior (data monetization strategy)

Advising and manager training

  • We bring our business consulting, scientific, and process management perspectives to marketing strategy and vendor selection through technical briefings/trainings and longer-term advisory roles -- providing CMOs with a trusted source of independent perspective and complementary expertise for greater confidence and less uncertainty in decision-making

Evaluation and recalibration

  • NPV-focused evaluation of prior marketing strategies and initiatives (causal impact of marketing investment on sales, profits, progress toward objectives)

  • Attribution modeling

expertise in acquiring and working with specific data

  • Census data, data matched based on credit cards and phone numbers

  • "Traveling cookie" data on web consumer behavior based on logins and activity across a wide variety of websites

  • Longitudinal/panel data (e.g., web utilization and purchasing patterns)

Longer-term data solutions

  • Interactive tools, dynamic visualizations and dashboards, technical trainings that increase organizational awareness and the efficiency of marketing dollars