Data strategy and analytics for health care providers


Medical groups • health systems • Accountable care organizations • Specialty and subspecialty care

As both a front-line provider and an administrator, you face more competing priorities than ever before. To date, the returns you and your colleagues are seeing from your investments in health data are, in too many ways, failing in their promise to help you practice medicine better. You don’t need more experimental IT systems or reporting burdens.

We help health care practitioners think strategically about data and identify opportunities to provide higher-value care based on the work they’re already doing; to enhance engagement with your patients (especially the ones you aren’t seeing but should be); to evaluate the potential benefits of aligning clinical practices among their peers; and much more.

We listen to our clients and work with them to develop an understanding of what’s working for them, what’s not, and why – and then use that understanding to help develop a plan for how to get data working better for their patients and organizations.

HORIZON’s mission is to make data work better for you and your organization using thoughtful, scientific approaches. Examples of some of the capabilities we can offer you include:

  • Helping you identify and track which of your patients you need to reach most
  • Evaluating which Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP) track is best for your practice
  • Helping you understand the variation in clinical practices among your peers, quantifying the potential benefits of greater alignment (and barriers to achieving it) and gaps relative to best practices
  • Interviewing and synthesizing insights from key informants and stakeholders (e.g., payers, health system decision-makers) regarding your organization's value proposition
  • Identifying the clinical endpoints that represent the biggest potential opportunities to improve your bottom line
  • Leveraging data to identify how your patients’ insurance policies, financial constraints, and other considerations factor into the care they receive
  • Strategizing about how you can take more control over your key drivers of adverse clinical outcomes and costs
  • Planning and executing upgrades to your quality program and helping you more fully-leverage your historical data
  • Creating dynamic visuals to help you monitor performance targets and implement real-time adjustments
  • Predicting which of your patients are most at risk for adverse outcomes (e.g., exacerbation, flare-up, progression, etc.)
  • Generating deeper insights in preparation for contract negotiations and various value-based payment arrangements
  • Helping you develop frameworks for evaluating and sourcing organizational tools, processes, and care models (e.g., point-of-care decision aids, data-sharing networks and platforms, bundled payment coordinators)


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